Thursday FOG 10:00 a.m.
The Thursday FOG League takes place Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. beginning on Thursday, October 3, 2024. Schedules & Standings will be posted on once the registration process is complete and the schedule has been created.
The league includes a total of 23 weeks/games.
The total price (including GST, PST, CurlSask Fee, CARF Fee, and Fundraising Fee) is:
The Sutherland Curling Club has a late fee policy on curling fees. Curling fees are due by October 15, 2024. For this league:
Please visit our website for additional league information and to see if there are openings in this league. Only register if your team has been confirmed with the club. Registration for this league is based on previous season participation and a waiting list.